Monday, April 14, 2008

Final Learning Summary

I will take this degree and what I have learned with me to my final duty station, Naval Operational Medicine Institute, where I will work in the Naval Operational Medical Lessons Learned Center (NOMLLC) department. Located in Pensacola, Florida, this team is part of the Education and Training Department. As a senior Lieutenant and recent graduate of this program, I will make lasting contributions to Navy Medicine. The specific responsibilities are still unknown to me, from what I understand we will decide what works and what doesn’t in the field for our medical units. We want to capitalize on what went well and not make the same mistakes twice. I am looking forward to using my degree for such a huge task, especially since we are at war; these are not drills.

Upon retirement, I hope to use this degree, along with my Community College Teaching Certificate to teach at my local community college. Exactly where I will fit best is still under review, but I hope to find the perfect fit and enjoy a rewarding second career. This position, more than the first, will allow me to have a huge impact on postsecondary education, both on the podium and administratively.

Specifically, this program prepared me to pursue my post-graduate plans by ensuring that I was qualified to accept the orders to Pensacola. This falls into the fulfillment of my personal goals as well; taking care of ailing family members, as well as putting my degree to work. The completion of this degree will also help me get promoted to Lieutenant Commander/O-4, which would enable me even more freedom in the educational realm within the Navy.